A female chubby chaser is a woman who enjoys men who are plus size or heavier in weight. Male chubby chasers are men who enjoy voluptuous women.
Chubby chasers is a term used for boys who prefer heavy girls. Yes, they are real.
Yes, some people are attracted to individuals who are larger or curvier in size, and they may identify as "chubby chasers." This preference is just one of the many diverse preferences that people have when it comes to attraction.
chubby chasers
A chubby chaser is a male or a female that is attracted plus sized male or females.
Your male guppy is female and with child.
The word 'grassouillet' means chubby, plump. The form is in the masculine singular. The plural form is 'grassouillets'. In terms of a chubby or plump female, the term is 'grassouillette' for one, and 'grassouillettes' for more.
That kid is chubby. How did you get so chubby.
Chubby Checker goes by Checker (NOT Chubby).
cos he is chubby
Chubby is a term used to indicate someone is overweight. This can be a chubby cheeked baby or a chubby teen with baby fat.
If the female is chubby around the tummy area you could add her but be prepared to remove her if the male gets too boisterous. If he starts building a nest then you know you are in with a chance.