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3 gallons of gel. What you do is put hairspray in your hair and blowdry it up straight. This holds very well and it is how it has been done for a long long time. You can also use a good holding gel and blowdry it up.

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Q: How do you get your mohawk to stay up?
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How do you make long hair stay spiked up in a mohawk?

Knox gelatine and a hair drier.

Who do you keep your Mohawk sticking straight up?

because its a mohawk

What did the Mohawk people lived in?

The Mohawk people lived in longhouses. longhouses are built out of wood and can hold up to 30 people at a time!

What did the Mohawk people live?

The Mohawk people lived in longhouses. longhouses are built out of wood and can hold up to 30 people at a time!

How did the people dress?

Mohawk men wore breechcloth with leggings while Mohawk women wore wraparound skirt with shorter leggings. During summer, Mohawk children usually wore nothing up to the age of thirteen.

How do you get a mohawk?

There are many ways to get a mohawk. Going to the hair cuttery and getting it chopped always works... If your talking about standing a mohawk up though you need to get some knox gelatin or Rave #4 hair gel and apply a bunch at the bottom and then work your way up, using less and less.

What is the difference between a mohawk and a fohawk?

a mohawk is when the sides of your head is shaved, and a fohawk is when you still have all your hair but a line over the top of your head is sticking up

How do you say thunder in mohawk?

Ratiweras means thunder in Mohawk

What are the names of the six tribes that make up the Iroquois nation?

The Onondaga,the Seneca,the Cayuga,the Oneida,and the Mohawk.

Do zebras have mains?

Zebras do have manes but it is short and sticks up like a mohawk.

How do you know if you will look good with a mohawk?

to find out if you look good with a mohawk you should try pinning your hair up that way. If you like it then get that style. Another way to find out is to take a picture of yourself and edit it to a mohawk.AnswerThere are hair salons that have computers (look them up in the phone book) where they will have your face on the computer and you can try different hairstyles. This will cost more, but it's better than not liking a mohawk and being stuck with it. By the way Mohawks are out!AnswerNo one looks good in a Mohawk, but you don't get a Mohawk to look good. There are two reasons you get a Mohawk: to shock people, and because you're getting a tattoo on the side of your head.

What did Mohawk's live in?

What did the Mohawk Indian's live in