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At least three or four inches is good to start with, but the longer they are, the better it is. African hair typicaly 3 inchs is enough.

You can start dreading your hair when it is less than 10 centimeters (4 inches) long.

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13y ago
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13y ago

as long as it takes.

this varies from person to person.

length of hair matters too.

some lock in days, weeks is more typical, or months.

It takes about 5 years to fully lock but it takes around 5 months for them to begin locking.

no that's not accurate

typicaly 2 years to be fully mature

there is no correct answer

going natural it can be weeks months, even over a year in rare cases.

oiliness makes dreads form slower

other methods give the illusion of speeding it up, at the cost of damaging the hair.

but none really speed it up much

wax is said to make them look like dreads faster, but the reality is it slows the dreading alot.

it also makes dreads not last long because they get gross.

patience makes dreads beautiful

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13y ago

It takes about 5 years to fully lock but it takes around 5 months for them to begin locking.

no that's not accurate

typicaly 2 years to be fully mature

there is no correct answer

going natural it can be weeks months, even over a year in rare cases.

oiliness makes dreads form slower

other methods give the illusion of speeding it up, at the cost of damaging the hair.

but none really speed it up much

wax is said to make them look like dreads faster, but the reality is it slows the dreading alot.

it also makes dreads not last long because they get gross.

patience makes dreads beautiful

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15y ago

it depends on how long your hair was when you first started the dreadlocks.....

from 3 inch dreads they will shrink for several months (10 average) when they begon to grow they may grow about 8 inches a year (mine do)

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13y ago

Dreads take a long time to grow or "sponge." Some of the factors that affect the time from when you decide to dread your hair to when you can wash it daily without them falling out are: type of hair (very thick hair dreads quicker than thin/ straight hair), what products you use (there are different varieties of beeswax, etc that work well in the dreading process), and how often you get your dreads done. even with bi-weekly hair appointments, if your hair is straight and not very thick, it could take about a year for your dreads to sponge. Let me say again, once your dreads have sponged YOU CAN WASH YOUR HAIR DAILY! DREADED HAIR DOES NOT MEAN DIRTY HAIR!

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13y ago

3 inches of hair is generally accepted as the shortest hair you can dreadlock. However, longer hair will be much easier.

except in African hair which will dread from 1/8 inch

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15y ago

few inches
but you might as well just grow real dreadlocks

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12y ago

well their like little dots in your head its like your getting box braids but your not all they is are kind of dreadlocks this is just a guess

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Q: How long does it take dreads to lock?
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How long do dreads take to fully lock?

maturity is usually at 2 years about.they are fully locked earlier, but not fully mature.this varies for the individual.

Will the let's jam gel lock your dreads?

No it won't it wi jus make your dreads and scalp hard as a rock

How long does it take for new dreads to shake?

Newly formed dreads can take anywhere from a few months to a year to fully mature and tighten up, depending on your hair texture and maintenance routine. Regular maintenance, such as palm rolling and crochet hooking, can help speed up the process. Shake-out, or the dreads becoming firm and well-formed, is an ongoing process that can continue for several months as the dreadlocks lock and tighten.

How long does it take to grow dreads neck length?

6 months to a year

What is pepper lock for dreads made of?

On eof the key ingrediants is Zinc oxide

How long do your hair have to be to grow dreads?

Round about 80-90 cm give or take : D

Can plats lock to dreads?

yes, but not the best way.loose braids will lock faster then tight cause they can unravel move and knot up.

Can boys take out their dreads?

Boys can take out their dreads, if the situation requires them to. They can be taken away by shaving or if they are temporary, they can be undone.

How to start dreads?

You can start dreads by first growing long hair, and then waxing it into small portions.

How long does it for dreads to grow?

there is no exact answer, but in general, dreads shrink for the 1st 10 months or so, then begin to grow.once dreads begin to grow they never stop.

What size Dreads?

naturally dreads are varying in size. this is how they look bestthick dreads tend to dry slow and are harder to care for.thin dreads when very long may be weak.a combo of thin and thick is normal.

How long should your hair get to start dreads?

It is recommended that your hair be three inches or longer to start making dreads.