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Q: What is the name of model of garnier fructis shampoo for man?
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How do you spell garmy shampoo?

The word sought may be the brand name Garnier (e.g. Garnier Fructis), marketed by L'Oreal.

Who is the male model in Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff Shampoo commercial?

His name is Kelly Rippy. He is the most beautiful man alive. If can't get enough of him, he's on (although he is fully clothed on that site).

Who is the model in dove shampoo commercial in the Philippines?

Name of the model of dove shampoo ph 2013

What is the name of the song in the garnier shampoo for men with taurine commercial 2011 it has some lyrics like put your hands up 4 times?

Ghostcat - This is bust

Who is the straight haired brunette model in Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine ad who is glancing nearly sideways?

You need to give us way more info to help you with this...........what number and what color is she? Is she asian, woman of color,white???? Need more specifics and maybe i can help...........i found a name and info on another spokesperson.............some of them are actually celebrities or entertainment personalities............not just models

Who is the female brunette model in the Garnier nutritioniste commercial or where can you find a picture of the haircut?

Her name is Alana dela Garza and she is an actress on Law or Order (the original)

Who is the girl in the garnier frutis body boost commercial?

Whats The Name Of The Song In The garnier body boost commercial?

What are name of models in garnier colour naturals ad?


Who is the blonde with Bridget moynihan in the garnier advertisement?

Her name is Emily Cline. She's in the Garnier UltraLift ad.

Who thought of the word shampoo?

the inventer of shampoo last name was shampoo

What is the birth name of Frank Jaquet?

Frank Jaquet's birth name is Jaquet, Frank Garnier.

Is the blonde in the Garnier Herbashine commercial an Olsen Twin?

No, her name is Arielle Vandenberg