Rangas are very misleading people. They corrupt our lifestyle, and often don't understand the concept of life. However we can't blame them due to the fact that they are souless and indifferent they can't understand life as they don't really have one. I was friends with a ranga once and he didn't mind the fact that we threw rocks at him, in fact, he craved the attention. He accepted the fact that he would never have sex, which unfortunately put him on the same level as an indian (Nikesh Patel)
Ducks only eat rangas and possibly carrot cakes if there is no rangas nearby.
Most Syrians hate Israelis and "Zionists". Beyond that, who Syrians hate depends on the person. Some people hate Iran and Iranian proxies like Hezbollah. Some people hate the US and US allies in the Middle East. Some people hate theocrats and some hate secularists.
Well..... (ya) some people do hate Bill probably because of the way he looks or for some reason? Well the people that hate him shouldn't hate him =( But if you still hate Bill then your a hater >=( so ya..... ^_^
Yes, Some people do hate chicken. Example: Some Vegetarians and Vegans
Some people hate pepper because is how some peoples taste buds react to it.
Because the universe is racist.
Some people love them as much as ice cream and desserts but some people hate them as much broccoli.
Some people hate music because they don't understand what the concept of what music is.
Yes some people hate him but not many. Some people just dont like his voice or songs.
For some reason, some people hate other people just because they don't agree with them. Most people who hate Mitt Romney don't agree with his policies, politics, or religion.
they hate it because they are hater's
They hate Chili and some People. Bye... ( =