theres a hole in the bottom of the sea theres a hole in the bottom of the sea theres a hole theres a hole theres a hole in the bottom of the sea
Pain is relative, so theres no real answer to that. Piercings and tattoos are different sensations too. It also depends on where you get pierced and where you get tattooed.
Those things are usually present but its fine if you don't see any of that. Everyone heals differently.
You can get them peirced at whatever age you want, I got them done when i was ten.
yes it is normal,theres nothing wrong with that.
It is Nothing. It serves no purpose but to connect it to the water around w1.
You have to screw it open, theres a small latch at the bottom. Then theres a twisty thing in there.
No what you have sounds like a reaction to the cleaning product you are using, chances are good the piercing was done with a piercing gun so it's not and infection however that cant be ruled out completely. Go see your doctor.
Theres a drain plug at the bottom of the radiator.. or you can undo the bottom hose..
where theres a track or when theres no pigs around
Yes. of course you can. You cannot in-app purchase but theres a way around the in-app purchase error. But you can still by normal apps.
what? that's not normal! Theres something wrong with you!