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The sex of a baby at fertilization is determined by the chromosomes the baby possesses. If these chromosomes are XY it's a boy. If they are XX, it's a girl.

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14y ago

X and Y chromosomes. XX is a female, XY is a male; however there are various types of intersex conditions that violate this principle.

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Q: 4 What determines the sex of a baby at the time of fertilization?
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Who determines the sex of the baby in humans?

the father

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I believe the father of the baby determines the sex of the baby.

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The chromosome in the male's gamete determines the gender of the baby. If it is a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. If the chromosome is a X, the baby will be a girl.

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Yes, the male determines the sex of a baby. He possesses the either X or Y chromosome. The X is a girl I believe & the Y is a boy, I'm pretty sure that that's what they stand for. I'm positive that the male determines the sex of a baby though.

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Well, there is fertilization in sexual reproduction, but there is not fertilization in asexual because the female reproductive system needs help with the male reproductive system through sex. Without sex, it is asexual. Females need the males sperm in order to fertilize the baby or plant.

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What determines the genes that determines the sex?

the answer is sex chromosomes

What is the event of fertilization in human.?

sex sex

Is it possible to set sex of baby by test tube?

I believe you meant to ask is it possible to know the sex of a baby conceived by inviro fertilization also called test tube baby. Of course like a normal baby a test tube baby too has xx or xy chromosomes and the sex can be determined actively while the fetus is growing. Also like a normal baby ultrasonograph can reveal the sex of the child.

What do men need to have a baby?

In order to physically have a baby, a man would need female hormones, at least one of two functioning ovaries to produce eggs, a uterus for the egg to implant, and a means of fertilization (i.e. sex with a male or medically assisted fertilization).

When a male sex cell joins with a female sex cell what is it called?

Fertilization is the joining of egg cell and sperm. It typically happens in the fallopian tubes.