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Cell wall.

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Q: 6. What gives plant cell walls their rigidity?
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What provides rigidly to a plant cell?

Cell walls provide the rigidity to plant cells. They are comprised mainly of cellulose.

What rigid material does a plant cell wall contain?

Cellulose gives strength and rigidity to plant cells.

What is the purpose of cell walls?

It gives rigidity and support to the cell and maintains pressure by preventing excess flow of water

What part of the plant cell makes the cell sturdy and rigid?

The cell wall of plant cells is the part which gives the cell sturdiness and rigidity.

What do chloroplasts in a cell look like?

A chloroplast is a green cell, which gives the plant its green color. The cell wall surrounds an individual plant cell and is made up of fiber, and gives the plant its rigidity.

What structures surround the cells?

In plant cells, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane. The cell wall gives the cell rigidity and strength. Cell walls can also be found in bacteria, fungi, and algae. They are not found in animal cells or protozoa.

What is a layer made of cellulose which gives shape and rigidity to plant cells?

cell wall

What surrounds the cell membrane?

In plant cells, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane. The cell wall gives the cell rigidity and strength. Cell walls can also be found in bacteria, fungi, and algae. They are not found in animal cells or protozoa.

What part of plant cell part that provides strength and stiffness?

The cell wall of plant cells is the part which gives the cell sturdiness and rigidity.

The presence of cell walls in plant cells makes them?

it gives the plant cell a protection wall

What does the cell walls do for the plant?

cell wall protects the plant cell and gives it its shape to stand up straight.

Is there any similarity between bacterial cell wall and plant cell wall?

No, there is no similarity in bacterial cell walls and plant cell walls. They are different morphologically and also in chemical composition; plant cell walls are made up of cellulose, whereas bacterial cell walls are made up of peptidoglycan (also known as murein).