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Q: A biosynthetic pathway can be characterized as?
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What molecules would inhibit the biosynthetic pathway that leads to the formation of DNA and RNA?

Sulfonamide. In this biosynthetic pathway, dihydrofolic acid is enzymatically produced from PABA. This is blocked by sulfonamide.

What is a lysogenic pathway characterized by?

The lysogenic pathway is characterized by passive replication of viral DNA.

What is the function of de novo biosynthetic pathway?

de novo pathways refer to those pathways for production of chemical compounds for which natural pathways have not been elucidated :: either the pathways don't exist or are novo pathway engineering employs a retro biosynthetic approach for production of unique chemical structures!

End products of biosynthetic pathways often act to block the initial step in that pathway This phenomenon is called?

metabolic inhibition

What is the site of biosynthetic activities?

Nissl Bodies- Biosynthetic are of cell body. (Endoplasmic reticulum of neuron)

What happens during phtorespiration and why is it considered bad for plants?

When O2 is high concentration and Rubisco combines it to RUBD. It's bad because it can't make sugar/ATP. Photorespiration is the biosynthetic pathway that leads to the fixation of oxygen.

What is another word for biosynthetic?


Another word for biosynthetic is?


What is the use of biosynthetic dressings?

Biosynthetic dressings are used on burns and other wounds. Another application is as a temporary dressing for skin autograft sites.

TCA cycle is Amphibolic in nature-Why?

In aerobic organisms the TCA is amphibolic pathway, one that both srves in the catabolic and anabolic processes. besides its role in the oxidative catabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids, the cycle provides precursors for many biosynthetic pathways

What is the biosynthetic center of the cell?

The cell body.