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gamete cell.

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Q: A cell that provides the nuclear material for sexual reproduction?
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What is sexual reproduction where there is an exchange of genetic material?

by a asexuall reproduction

What is the Genetic material for SEXUAL REPRODUCTION?

chromosomes which cotains strands of DNA( deoxynucleic acid, I might be little off on it) and RNA.

How flower sexual reproduction is similar to human sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction involves the combining of genetic material from the male and female. This is basic to sexual reproduction so in this respect flowers and humans are the same.

Sexual reproduction provides for what to occur?

# Survival of the species.

What type of reproduction helps increase the genetic material of a cell?

Sexual reproduction increases the genetic material of a cell.

Reproduction that occurs with an exchange of genetic material is?


Whats A type of reproduction when a new organisms sometimes more than one is produced that has hereditary material identical to the parent organism?

It is sexual reproduction

Which statement best describes this pattern of reproduction?

All genetic material comes from one parent

What is the reproductive process that involves two parents?

Sexual reproduction is a process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. Sexual reproduction is the primary reproduction for most organisms.

What sexual reproduction may have originated as a way for cells?

Shuffle genetic material

What is conjuguation?

The exchange of genetic material from bacteria to bacteria through sexual reproduction.

What is the primary advantage of sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is more advantageous than asexual reproduction because it allows for genetic diversity. In asexual reproduction there is only one source of genetic material whereas with sexual reproduction there are two sources of genetic material.