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Temerature ..... under conditions of sufficient moisture , oxygen and proper temperature seeds germinate.

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Q: A condition necessary for the germination of most seeds is favorable?
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Related questions

What does favorable climate mean?

it means when germination has made the seeds and the female cone opens and the seeds fall out of the cone.

Is soil necessary for germination?

No, seeds are usually able to germiate in water.

What is the formula in getting the percentage of germination of seeds?

(# of seeds germinated/# of seeds sown)*100=% of germination

What is the formula in getting the percentage of seeds germination?

(# of seeds germinated/# of seeds sown)*100=% of germination

What do you mean by dormancy in a seed?

Seed dormancy is a condition of plant seeds that prevents germination when the seeds are under optimal environmental conditions for germination. Living, non dormant seeds germinate when soil temperatures and moisture conditions are suited for cellular processes and division; dormant seeds do not.

What is the name given when seeds produce tiny shoots and roots?


What gas that suppots burning rusting and germination of seeds?

Oxygen. It must be present along with fuel and heat for combustion or burning. It combines with elemental iron (Fe) to form iron oxide or rust. Oxygen and moisture are necessary for the germination of seeds.

What hypothesis in a seed germination experiment is Light is necessary for lettuce seed germination Groups of lettuce seeds are placed in light with warm temperatures and adequate moisture Another?

presence of light

What stimulates germination of desert plant seeds after a hard rain?

The water itself stimulates the germination of the seeds.

What is hypogeal germination?

Hypogeal germination is generally seen on monocots seeds

How many number of leaves will a monocotyledon and dicotyledon seeds have in seven days?

Depends on the condition of germination i. e. temperature, light and moisture.

What is germination ratio?

the percentage of seeds that geminate in a given group of seeds. If you sow 10 seeds and only one germinates (sprouts) then you have a 10% germination rate