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Parasagittal is correct.

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Q: A cut parallel to the midsagittal plane would produce a parasagittal section?
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What is parasagittal plane in human body?

It is any plane parallel to the sagittal plane.

Is parasagittal section is a section that is perpendicular to a sagittal section?

The sagittal plane is a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis dividing the body into left and right portions. If the animal is bisected straight down the midline, the section is called a "midsagittal" section. If the animal is sectioned away from and lateral to the midline, the section is referred to as "parasagittal".

What lobes of the cerebrum are visible in midsagittal section?

The frontal and occipital lobes of the cerebrum are visible in midsagittal section.

Is any cortex of the cerebrum visible in the midsagittal section?

The frontal and occipital lobes are visible in midsagittal section.

What is a midsagittal section?

A midsagittal section is a cut down the middle of the body, dividing the body into equal left and right portions.

Why would a doctor make a midsagittal cut?

A doctor may make a midsagittal cut during an emergency cesarean section.

Which type of section would separate the two eyes?

The two eyes would be separated by a midsagittal section.

What would a midsagittal section through the head divide?

The midsagittal section passes through the cranium, brain, spinal cord, vertebrae, intervertebral disks, rectum, vagina, penis, trachea, esophagus, sternum, a bit of the liver, intestines, urinary bladder, and urethra, among other structures.

Would the heart be cut in a midsagittal incision?

Yes, a midsagittal section through the body would cut the heart. Although we perceive the heartbeat on the left side of the body, the heart does cross the midline.

What is a vertical section through the body dividing it into left and right halves called?

This is called a sagittal plane if divided this way with symmetrical left and right halves. If the section produces asymmetrical halves, this is a parasagittal section.

What has a circular cross section when the cross section is taken parallel?

A cylinder has a circular cross section that is parallel to its base.

What section divides the body on the longitudinal plane into right and left parts?

Sagittal. And if it's divided into equal parts, it's median/midsagittal.