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Q: A disease in which bones become abnormally soft?
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In osteoporosis bones are soft and weak because?

Because the bone is not being renewed and replenished with calcium. This can be a genetic disease, passed down through generations, or can be caused by calcium deficiency. the bones become brittle and porous, and can break with a firm hand shake.

What is the different of soft bones and hard bones?

soft you can bend and hard you can not

Does A Ear Have Soft Bones?

Yes It Has 3 Soft Bones

What causes a bone to be hard or soft a bone to be hard or soft?

All bones are light, marrow bones are soft and compact bones are hard.

What is Soft bone?

Bones need calcium and phosphorus to remain healthy and strong, but the body also needs vitamin D to be able to absorb these two minerals. Without this necessary vitamin, bones can become soft and flexible.

How many soft bones do babies have?

There are no soft bones, just incompletely ossified joints such as the fontanels of the skull and the growth plates of the long bones.

What might happen to a child who is deficient in vitamin D?

Rickets is the most common disease which causes by lack of Vitamin D and calcium, it causes muscles and bones to become soft, which can cause permanent deformities in children. Vitamin D is required for calcium to be properly absorbed into bones to strengthen them. Adults rarely develop rickets because their bones are not growing and do not need much calcium.

What does no iron in your bones mean?

It means you get soft bones.

What happens when you don't get enough vitamin D?

If there is a lack of Vitamin D in someoneâ??s diet, the body will be unable to absorb calcium. This can make bones weak and can harm the immune system.

Can vitemins defficiancy causes disease?

yes,it canFor instance, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn't properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities.

What Bones that cover soft body parts?

Flat Bones

What is the 2 areas in your body which has soft bones?

ear bones