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A electron microscope uses a beam of electrons instead of light to magnify objects up to 500,000 times actual size. A electron microscope has much higher resolving power than light microscopes.

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Q: A microscope that can magnify up to 500 000 times is the?
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What have modern microscopes made it possible to do?

The microscopes in our days make it easy to see the things that the naked eye can not. Light microscopes see objects down to about 500 nm. A nanometre = 1 metre/ 1000 000 000 Modern microscopes allow scientists to view individual cells but not see well the organelles in them. Electron microscopes are used to get details of organelles. An atom cannot be viewed through a microscope as it is about 1000 times less than the wavelength of visible light. An electron microscope can give the reflection of objects down to about a nanometre or slightly smaller. This is almost possible to view larger atoms.

How much is a light microscope?

The price changes according to the type of microscope ; compound, electron, etc. It depends on how powerful it is. Believe it or not, an electron microscope can cost up to $150,00.00. However, you can get a compound microscope [ 10x , 30x , 50x ] for about $140.00.

What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek name what he saw through his microscope?

Simple Answer:Antonie (Anton) van Leeuwenhoek made innovations to the simple microscope with a single lens. His microscopes received no special name and were enhancements of the "simple microscope."Anton van Leeuwenhoek always referred to his instrument as a Vergroot-glas, which translates into magnifying glass.He also enhanced the overall design of the simple microscope and specimen holder. He constructed at least 25 different designs of the simple microscope. (He rarely used the compound microscope which had been invented 40 years before his birth because his simple microscopes had far greater magnification.)More:Though Anton van Leeuwenhoek did not invent the microscope, he did make a great discovery. About 1670, he found that he could form tiny glass beads that were nearly perfect spheres and also capable of high magnification when used in a simple microscope. Indeed, his little glass spheres could magnify an object 250 times (perhaps more), about ten times better than the best compound microscopes of the day.Beyond the discovery of the methods for making small spherical lenses, van Leeuwenhoek also built microscopes and experimented with their design, addressing the difficult problems of illuminating, holding and viewing the specimens.He made over 500 optical lenses, though they did not necessarily go into 500 different microscopes. The microscopes themselves were expensive and time consuming to construct, but records indicate possibly as many as two hundred were made. In this process he is said to have created at least 25 variations on the basic design of the microscope.Only nine of his microscopes are known to exist today.

How long does it take to go 300 miles at 500 mph?

In order to solve this problem, you will need to use the equation for speed: speed = distance/time.To solve for time, multiply both sides of the equation times time, then divide both sides by speed.speed x time = distancespeed x time/speed = distance/speedThis isolates time. Plug in the given values and solve for time.time = distance/speed = 192 mi/500 mph = 0.384 h = 0.4 h due to one significant figure in 500 mph.

If there are 500 As on a DNA molecule how many T's would there be?

500 - Thymine always pairs with Adenine. Guanine always pairs with Cytosine

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100000 times 5?

100 000 x5 = 500 000

How many thousands are there in 500 000 000?

500 000 000 / 1000 = 500 000

How many times larger is 50 000 than 500?

100 times.

What is this number 500 000 000 000 000 000?

500 quadrillion.

What is a hundred million times more than 964 835?

96 483 500 000 000

What is 2 percent of 500 000?

2% of 500 000 = 500 000*2/100 = 10 000

How was the first microscope introduced?

The first microscope was made by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch cloth merchant so that he could examine the quality of fine thread better than he could with existing magnifiers. His microscopes used only one spherical glass lens, but many could magnify up to 275 times (it is believed he had made a few capable of magnifying up to 500 times).

How many times does 1cm go into 5km?

5km = 5000m = 500 000cm, so 1cm goes into 5km 500 000 times

400 000 is what percent of 5 500 000?

400 000 is 7.2727% of 5 500 000

What is 500 cubed in milliliter?

500 cm3 = 500 mL 500 m3 = 500 000 000 mL

What is 4 percent of 4 500 000?

0.04 x 4 500 000 = 180 000

Is 17.5 million the same as 17500 million and 175 Billion?

no not at all. 17 500 000 is not the same as 17 500 000 000 and 175 000 000 000