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Yes. Supination is the movement of the forearm in which the palm of the hand is turned from posterior to anterior.

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Q: A movement of the forearm in which the palm of the hand is turned from posterior to anterior is supination?
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In anterior posterior. As if they standing looking at you. Their right side about be to your left.

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Forearm rotation would be on the frontal plane

What are 2 kinds of forearm movements?

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What synergist for supination of the hand?

A supinator is a synergist for supinating the hand. Brachialis is the forearm flexor which has no role in supination.

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Pronation of the hand results in the distal end of the radius being medial to the ulna and the palms facing backward or downward. This position is in contrast to the supination of the anatomic position.

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What is pronation and where can you find more about this?

Pronation is the medical term used to describe a movement that makes something face downwards. E.g. pronation of the forearm. The opposite is supination.