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Q: A organ that is effected by the Philadelphia chromosome?
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The organ being affected by Gastric Ulcer is the Stomach

What was the Philadelphia Experiment?

philadelphia disorder is a genetic disorder i.e. CML- Chronic Myelinogenic leukaemia. It is due to exchange of a part of chromosome between chromosome number22 and chromosome number9. The disorder was found in a patient in hospital at philadelphia and chromosome is called as philadelphia chromosome.

What chromosome is effected when you have crohn's disease?

Chromosome 16 has been a target of study by Crohns disease researchers lately and Chromosome 16 probably contains between 850 and 1,200 genes.

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skeleton syste

Is philadelphia chromosome passed down to children and grandchildren?

Yes, it can. This new chromosome, which is mostly chromosome 22 with a piece of chromosome 9 stuck to it. It is called the Philadelphia chromosome and can cause chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) as well as some cases of acute lymphocytic and myelogenous leukemia (ALL and AML).

Philadalphia chromosome can be seen in which cells bone marrow or granulocytes?

The Philadelphia chromosome can be seen in the granulocytes.

What abnormality has Philadelphia chromosome possess?

The Philadelphia chromosome abnormality is that chromosome 9 and 22 have swapped places. This abnormality causes a higher susceptibility to forms of leukemia. Specificly it is connected most commonly to chronic myelogenous leukemia.

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=The organ systems that are effected by Ebolaare all the organs except for the muceles.All organs systems in your body can be effected by Ebola except for the muceles in your body=

What organ effected of TB?

pancreas, thyroid, skeletal muscle and myocardium

What are some organs in th circulatory system?

The Heart is really the only organ, but you must remember that EVERY organ receives blood from the circulatory system, so in essence, truly all organs are effected.