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Equilibrioception or the sense of balance is determined by the level of fluid properly called endolymph in the labyrinth - a complex set of tubing in the inner ear. See the related link for more information.

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Q: A part of the body that gives you a sense of balance is the?
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Related questions

What part of the brain gives the body its sense of balance?

The fluid in the inner ears; the reason why you get dizzy when you spin around is because the fluid is sloshing around.

What structure important for movement and balance is the?

Many structures within your body contribute to your sense of balance and equilibrium. A common body part that is important for balance is your big toe.

Which part contain your body balance?

ear are the part of body which keep our body balance and this is due to the bones and fluid present in ear.

How is your sense of hearing related to your sense of balance?

Your ears can tell from which direction sounds are coming from, if that's what you mean by direction, and yes, your ears tell how balanced you are, but im not sure how, or in which part of them. Google it =D

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your question makes no sense!

Which part of the ear maintaing body balance?

The labyrinth.

What part of the inner ear is that like a coiled tube and contain the sense of balance?

The semicircular canals and the vestibule are responsible for balance.

What part of the ear located the fluid that maintains the sense of balance?

Semi-Circular canals

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Tail, it gives the kite a wait balance

Which part of the body is concerned with balance?

The inner ear portion.

Which part of the brain regulates water balance?

The part of the brain that regulates water balance also regulates body temperature. This part of the brain is called the hypothalamus.

Which part of the human body helps to keep balance?

Ear drums