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Recessive traits require two recessive alleles.

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Is a dominant trait.

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Q: A trait that requires one allele in order to in order to show up in the phenotype?
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A man has one recessive allele and one dominant allele. what is his phenotype?

He would have the recessive phenotype for that trait.

When one allele of a gene masks the presence of the allele what form can be seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

When allele of a gene masks the presence of the other allele what form can be seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

How does a dominant trait affect the phenotype of an organism?

If the the trait is controlled by only one allele and the allele is completely dominant then once inherited the offspring with exhibit that phenotype

When one allele of a gene masks the presence of the other allele what form can seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

What one allele of a gene masks the presence of the other allele what form can be seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

What is a recessive allele?

Recessive allele is a trait that doesn't show in one's phenotype (observable trait) if there is a dominant allelle present. Only when you inherit a recessive allele from both parents (aa for example and not Aa) does the trait show in your phenotype.

WHAT is single gene trait?

A single-gene trait is a phenotypic trait controlled by two homologous alleles.

What is simple dominance?

Dominant allele defines the phenotype expression of the trait.

Why is it that a person with an allele for a particular trait may not have a phenotype that shows the trait?

a dominant allele will express its trait , as well as be carried by the person. the word carrier is commonly used for a person who bears an allele which does not express itself(i.e. a recessive gene).

What is the results when two different alleles both appear in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

What is definition of an allele?

An allele is an acquired trait which determines the phenotype and genotype of an organism.