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round, yellow

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Q: According to Mendel a cross between two round yellow peas both with the genotype RrYy would result in mostly peas?
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What did Gregor Mendel mostly study?

Gregor Mendel was an Augustinian monk and is most noted for his pioneering work with inheritance in genetics. Hope this helps, John

What statement would mostly clearly refer to a persons genotype?

Bill is recessive for height and dominant for hair color.

Why did Mendel not find linkage between seed color and flower color?

Mostly because those two gene loci are sufficiently far apart on their chromosome that crossing over will occur often enough so as to make these two appear to assort independently.

In 1866 who stated the laws of heredity?

The laws of heredity were researched by Gregor Johann, Mendel in the 1860s and 70s mostly by cross pollinating peas in the garden he grew for food in a Monastery

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What organism did gregor mendel use to conduct his experiment?

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What questions did Mendel left unanswered?

Gregor Mendle tried to answer the question of how inherited traits are passed on from generation to generation, through his laws of heredity. His careful cross-breeding of thousands of pea plants led Mendel to key insights, now called Mendel's Laws of Heredity, about how inherited traits are passed on from generation to generation. -via ChaCha

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