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gray commissure

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Q: Afferent nerve fibers enter the part of the spinal cord called?
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What are the fibers that enter and leave the sympathetic chain without synapsing form structures are called?

Splanchnic nerves

What is the stimulus of urination?

When the volume of urine reaches approximately 300 mL in adult,stretch receptors in the bladder wall transmit impulses to the central nervous system.That indidual then has a conscious desire to micturate. the afferent impulses enter the second,third,and fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.Efferent impulses leave the cord from the same segments and pass via the parasympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers in the hypogastric plexuses to the bladder wall,where they synapse with postganglionic neurons.

Fiber type in anterior ramus?

alpha spinal motor neuron axons leave the spinal column and enter the nerves via the ventral rami.

Describe the neural pathways that are activated when you hit your thumb with a hammer?

They would include the afferent neurons, starting from the median nerve then traveling up to where it meets the ulnar and radial nerves in the brachial plexus. From there they would enter the central nervous system via the spinal cord and up to your parietal lobes after passing through the thalamus. Then your frontal lobe's left side, in an area called Broca's area, would trigger efferent motor neurons to make you say, "Ouch!"

An opening or passage in bones where blood nerves enter and leave?

FORAMEN - Opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave. The foramen magnum is the opening of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.

Related questions

Spinal reflexes are produced in what?

Introduction. Spinal cord reflexes are simple behaviors produced by central nervous system (CNS) pathways that lie entirely within the spinal cord. The sensory afferent fibers that evoke these reflexes enter the spinal cord and activate spinal motor neurons directly or through a chain of one or more spinal interneurons

What type of impulses enter and leave from opposite sides of the spinal cord?

Afferent impulses enter the spinal cord from the posterior section. They may get processed by interneurons. And, in most cases they exit the spinal cord through the efferent neurons in the anterior section. The reason that they refer to this as being opposite sides has to do with what are called the 'horns' inside the spinal cord. The afferent impulses enter the dorsal horns in the back and the efferent impulses exit in the front, the anterior horns. This may be why your reference, your teacher, or a book, says that impulses enter and leave from opposite sides of the spinal cord.

Where do sensory nerve fibers enter the spinal cord?

The dorsal column or medial lemniscus.

What are the fibers that enter and leave the sympathetic chain without synapsing form structures are called?

Splanchnic nerves

Does a spinal tap enter the ventral cavity?


Do the white communicating rami contain myelinated preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers and are present in all apinal nerves?

Yes and No. White communicating rami contain mylinated preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers, but are only present at the levels of spinal cord segments T1-L2 (where the cell bodies for these nerve fibers exist in the lateral horn of the spinal cord). Although the sympathetic fibers only arise in the T1-L2 spinal cord segments, they are dispersed to all spinal nerves by traveling through the sympathetic chain. The preganglionic sympathetic fibers will enter the sympathetic chain thru whit rami communicans and then do one of 4 things: 1. synapse with a postganglionic cell body in the sympathetic chain at the level it enters 2. ascend within the chain to synapse 3. descend within the chain to synapse 4. splanchnic nerves leave the chain without synapsing and synapse closer to the organ they innervate.There are, however, GRAY rami communicans for all spinal nerves.I hope that helps

What is the difference between afferent and efferent nerve fibers?

Afferent refers to pathways leading to the cortex (ie, sensory). Efferent are pathways leading away (ie, motor). You are *affected* by a situation, you *effect* change on someone else.

What is the stimulus of urination?

When the volume of urine reaches approximately 300 mL in adult,stretch receptors in the bladder wall transmit impulses to the central nervous system.That indidual then has a conscious desire to micturate. the afferent impulses enter the second,third,and fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.Efferent impulses leave the cord from the same segments and pass via the parasympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers in the hypogastric plexuses to the bladder wall,where they synapse with postganglionic neurons.

Fiber type in anterior ramus?

alpha spinal motor neuron axons leave the spinal column and enter the nerves via the ventral rami.

What are the bones give pass to the olfactory nerve fibers?

The bones that give passage to the olfactory nerve fibers are the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. The olfactory nerve fibers pass through small openings called cribriform foramina in the cribriform plate, allowing them to enter the nasal cavity and transmit sensory information related to smell.

Describe the neural pathways that are activated when you hit your thumb with a hammer?

They would include the afferent neurons, starting from the median nerve then traveling up to where it meets the ulnar and radial nerves in the brachial plexus. From there they would enter the central nervous system via the spinal cord and up to your parietal lobes after passing through the thalamus. Then your frontal lobe's left side, in an area called Broca's area, would trigger efferent motor neurons to make you say, "Ouch!"

Where can spinal meningitis be found?

Spinal menigitis are different kinds of bacteria that can be found in your ear ,mouth, throat and nose that sometimes give you spinal menigitis. Scientists still dont know what causes the bacteria to go out of control and enter your spinal cord and messes with the joints.