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# Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse # Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation # For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period. 4 days before expected period= 51% accurate

3 days before expected period= 82% accurate

2 days before expected period= 90% accurate

1 day before expected period =95% accurate

the day of expected period =99% accurate Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy: To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1 day before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * Check the results in the window frame of time suggested by the instructions of the pregnancy test.

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Q: After conception when is a good time to take pregnancy test?
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Why would a doctor take a blood test to determine pregnancy?

They take a blood test so they can see what your hcg levels are. Your levels get higher the farther along you are. A blood test can determine pregnancy alot sooner than a urine test and is also more accurate.

How long does it take for a pregnancy test to be pos after fertilization?

Fourteen days after intercourse.

How long should you wait to take a pregnancy test after he ejaculated in you?

* Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse * Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation * For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy: To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1-2 days before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * wait for the results!

Can you determine pregnancy from a blood test?

A pregnancy blood test or a pregnancy serum test is a test that measures the exact amount of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), in the bloodstream of a woman to detect pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced by the placenta of a pregnant woman. It is detectable in the blood and urine within 10 days of fertilization. There are two types of blood pregnancy tests, namely, quantitative blood test which measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood and qualitative hCG blood test which gives a simple yes or no answer to whether you are pregnant or not.

Do people who get implantation bleeding do they get periods while pregnant as well?

it is possible. take a pregnancy test and consult a physician if you think there is a possiblility that you are pregnant.

Related questions

How long after conception should you take a pregnancy test?

11 days

How many weeks does it take after conception to test positive on a blood pregnancy test?

4 weeks

How far along after conception should you take a pregnancy test?

Since we seldom are aware when precisely conception occurs, most doctors agree a pregnancy test should be done when your period is one week late.

How long after conception can a pregnancy test work?

From conception to the birth..depending on the expiration date on test....

Since periods during pregnancy ARE possible when would be a good time to take a pregnancy test Would one taken during a period be accurate?

If you're period is normal then its highly unlikely you're pregnant. But you can do a pregnancy test 3 weeks after conception.

How soon can one take an early pregnancy test for accurate results?

Some pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others, but typically a pregnancy can be detected a week after conception. If a test comes back negative, it is a good idea to test again three days later in case hCG levels rise higher.

How long after conception do you know if you are pregnant?

The earliest you can take a pregnancy test is 2 weeks after sex. It takes 2 weeks until conception has finished.

Can you take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after conception?

Yes, But It Would Be Better To Wait Another Week Or Two.

How do you know without a pregnancy test that conception has occurred?

The surest test is to have the baby.

Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days is a bit too early for an accurate result of a pregnancy test. You should take a pregnancy test anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for an acurate result on a pregnancy test.

Is a fertility test the same as a pregnancy test?

No, a fertility test tells you if you are capable of conception or when your best time to conceive is. A pregnancy test tells if the pregnancy hormone is present in your urine.

How many weeks do you have to be to take a pregancy test?

Most home pregnancy tests work in as little as one day after conception.