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Q: All of the genes located on a given chromosome comprise a?
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All of the genes located on a given chromosome comprise a a karyotype b bridging cross c wild-type allele d linkage group e none of these?

linkage group, which is all the genes on a chromosome. linkage group, which is all the genes on a chromosome.

What name is given to a unit of a bacterial chromosome that controls the expression of a specific set of genes?


On what chromosome is tourette syndrome located on?

They don't know yet, Recent research suggests that a small number of Tourette syndrome cases may be caused by a defect on chromosome 13 of gene SLITRK1. and some other chromosomes like 7. There now busy with a study to find the genes that may cause tourette syndrome, results will be given by 2018

What is the name given to genes that have more than two alleles?

Polymorphic locus or polymorphic gene. Many geneticists use the term locus (plr. loci) for a gene (i.e. section of a chromosome)

What chromosome pair is not given a number?

pair 23 is not given a number.

What scientist is credited with proving that genes are located on chromosomes?

Karl Willhelm, a Swiss Botanist is given credit for discovering chromosomes.

What name is given to the specific location of a gene on a chromosome?

The specific location of a gene on a chromosome is called it's locus.

Was there a gene in chromosome 7 of the human genome that was named after a game character?

Yes, there was. A specific gene in chromosome 7 of the human genome was given the official name of "Sonic", in a tribute to Sonic the Hedgehog. However the name has now been retracted, as have all the other "comedy" names for human genes, to make the field a more serious subject.

What is difference between DNA and genes?

A gene is a section of DNA that will eventually code for a specific protein. All genes are composed of DNA but not all DNA are genes. or It is a name given to some stretches of DNA and RNA that code for a polypeptide. or A gene is a segment of DNA that will transcript for a specific protein.

What name is given to genes that regulate the genes involved in determining patterns of anatomical development?

Homeotic gene

How did the chromosome get its name?

When th chromosome was discovered, it was given that name for a reason. Translated from Greek to German, it was khromasoma. When translated to English, it means color body.

What is the name given to cancer-causing genes?
