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if i knew it i could tell you lol haha

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Q: An air-filled cavity within a bone that is lined with mucous membrane is?
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Posterosuperior boundary of the oral cavity?

The palatoglossal arch composed of the palatoglossal muscle and it's mucous membrane covering.

Do snails have lungs?

Yes, they have a very basic form of "lung"; this is no more than a moist cavity within the mantel into which air is drawn through the pneumostome (opening in its side). The oxygen is then absorb through a mucous membrane into the body.

Pericardial membrane encloses what within the pericardial cavity?

Encloses cardiac space.

What is the term for organs that lie within the abdominal cavity but not within the peritoneal cavity?

An organ can be in the abdominopelvic cavity but not the peritoneal cavity if the organ sits below the diaphragm but outside the peritoneal membranes. The kidneys, which are behind the peritoneal membrane (retroperitoneal) are such organs.

Where is the retro perineal cavity located?

The retroperitoneal cavity is located immediately posterior to the abdominal cavity (behind). It contains the kidneys (and so also the adrenal glands), the pancreas, and the abdominal aorta and vena cava. The walls of the abdominal cavity are covered with a serous membrane, called the peritoneum, as are most internal organs. The fluid in the membrane protects these structures and reduces friction between the organs and the cavity walls as well as between the organs themselves. The retroperitoneal space is separated from the peritoneal space by this layer of membrane covering the anterior organs e.g. liver, stomach, intestines. Both spaces are within the abdominal cavity.

What warms and moistens the air during the respiratory system?

During respiration it is the nose or nasal cavity that filters the air using mucous and hair within the nose, warms the air and moistens. This is performed when inhaling.

What is the multilayered membrane that protects and holds the organs in place within the abdominal cavity called?

It is called The Omentum. It is a fold of THE Peritonium extending from the stomach to adjacent abdominal organs.

What is a small space or cavity within the cytoplasm of a cell?

A small space or cavity within the cytoplasm of a cell?

Do the kidneys lie within the peritoneal cavity?

Kidneys are retroperitoneal. There are in the abdominal cavity, but not in the peritoneal cavity.

Which muscle curls the tongue in a human?

The superior longitudinal muscle, an intrinsic muscle that originates within the tongue allows the tongue to curl. It runs along the superior surface of the tongue under the mucous membrane.

What body cavity is the ascending colon found?

The peritoneal cavity (within the abdomen)

What body cavity is the kidneys in?

The kidneys are located in the peritoneal cavity. Infection of this cavity is called peritonitis, and can be deadly. Dialysis can be done by instilling dianeal solution into the peritoneal cavity, and allowing the semipermiable membranes surronding the kidneys, and other organs to "clean themselves." This process is called peritoneal dialysis.