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law of independent assortment b

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Q: An individual with the genotype AaBb produces four different gametes in equal proportions This is a demonstration of?
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How many different gametes in a genotype aaBBccDD?

Only one; A. At least concerning this one trait.

How many different kinds gametes will an individual with genotype AAbb produce?

2 can

How many genetically different gametes are produced by an individual of genotype AaBbCcDd?


In a dihybrid cross between individual with the genotype RRYYand an individual with the genotype rryy all of the offspring with have the genotype?


The allelic make up of an individual is referred to as its?

I think it's genotype...

What is the genotype of individual who is heterozygous for dimples?

Dd is the heterozygous genotype for dimples.

What genotype is not true-breeding?

An individual with a heterozygous genotype cannot be true-bred.

What is the allele combination of an individual?


To perform a testcross scientists cross an organism with an unknown genotype with a organism.?

If an individual is of the dominant phenotype, its genotype can be either AA or Aa (letter A picked for demonstration's sake). To do a good test cross, we have to be able to unambiguously tell which one of the genotypes the individual is. The best test cross would be conducted with a homozygous recessive (aa) individual. This way, if the cross generates 100% dominant phenotype, then the original individual was homozygous dominant. If the cross generates 50% dominant and 50% recessive phenotype, then the original individual was heterozygous.

How many different kinds of gametes can be made by an individual with the genotype TtGG?

Two: TG and tG

What does the term allele mean as is used in genetic crosses?

The term allele is different from a genotype because an allele can be singular, but the alleles that an individual (diploid organism) has at a certain locus are called a genotype.

Which of the following is the best definition of the term phenotype?

Genotype is the alleles (different forms of a gene) which an individual has with respect to a particular characteristic. The Phenotype is how these genes are expressed in an individual.