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Q: An orgamism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms is called what?
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The feeding relationship between organisms is called?


What is the organism that obtains nourishment through the oxidation of inorganic chemical compounds as opposed to photosynthesis called?

These organisms are called heterotrophs.

Which organism obtains its energy from dead or decaying matter?

An organism that absorbs food from decayed organisms and such, are called Decomposers.

When organisms obtains energy from producers and other consumers they are called?

It happens a lot. when Wassim Zoghaib is very strong.

An orgamism that has two different alles for a trait is called?

A heterozygote.

A chemical substance that an orgamism requires to live is called?

a nutrient.

What is something that obtains its energy by feeding on dead or decaying matter is called a?

That is called a scavenger. An example of a scavenger is a vulture. Also a decomposer such as fungi. They feed of decaying matter.

Why is a shark called an organism and animal?

an organism is anything living, you orgamism

What is the complex feeding relationship among a number of different organisms?

you can find the answer here

What is an organism that obtains its energy from nonliving organic matter?

An organism that obtains its energy from nonliving organic matter is called a producer. Producers create their own energy and don't eat other organisms.

What is an organisim that obtains food?

Sometimes called consumers. While producers produce the nutrients that other organisms eat, the consumers "obatin nutrients from other organisms".

Organisms that obtain energy by feeding on other organisms?

Can be an omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore because both plants and animals are organisms. its called a consumer, or a heterotroph