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Q: Animal tissue predominantly of contractile cells?
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Animal tissue consisting predominalty of contractile cells?

Animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells is known as muscle tissue. These cells, called muscle fibers, have the ability to contract and generate force, allowing for movements in the body. Muscle tissue is categorized into three types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth, each with its own unique features and functions.

Are contractile vacuoles found in animal or plant cells?

Contractile vacuoles are found in plant cells.

What is the contractile cell?

Contractile cells are the smooth muscle cells of the heart that... contract. They get their signal from the nodes within the heart, which spontaneously fire action potentials (because of leak channels).

Does plant and animal cells have a tissue?

Yes, they both have tissue.

Which level of organization is represented by the eye?

it is an organ

What is the difference between an animal cell and animal tissue?

You chemically can not compare them because you know that cells are building blocks and a group of cells work together to form a tissue so we can say that an animal tissue is larger than an animal cell.

How are animal cells like tissues and organs?

animal cells are like tissue and organs because inside a human body are hundreds of cell that form together and it makes tissue and like the animal cells is the same concept in which tissue forms:) hope that was enough information

What is differences between plant tissues and animal tissues?

because animal tissues have small vacuole and plant tissue has big vacuole

What organelle keeps some animal cells from bursting in a hypotonic solution?

contractile vacuole

What organelle is found in paramecia cells but not plant cells?

Centriole, lysosomes, and cilia.

What happens instead of the cytoplasm in plant cells pinching forward?

In animal cells a contractile ring mechanism pinchs the two cells apart In plant cells a cell plate forms between the two cells

How is a plant or animal tissue different from just an aggregate of similar cells?

It starts with the cells. Since the tissues of both plants and animals are made up with cells that is where the main difference lies. Animal cells and plant cells are different. Plants cell have a cell wall and a cell membrane were animal cells only contain a cell membrane. Plant cells also have chloroplast which carries out photosynthesis and the animal cell does not. On top of that plant cells are more square in structure and animal cells, due to the lack of a cell wall, are more rounded.