

Animals that eat only producers are?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: Animals that eat only producers are?
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What are animals that eat only primary producers classified as?

Animals that eat producers are called primary consumers or herbivores.

Animals that only eat primary producers are called?


Why is a grey fox a consumer?

Only plants are producers. Animals eat plants or other animals- they consume them.

Which organism eat only plants?

Herbivores are organisms that eat only plants. They have specialized digestive systems that allow them to break down the cellulose in plant material for energy. Examples of herbivores include cows, rabbits, and deer.

What kind of animals eat only producers?

Carnivores are animals that only eat meat, Herbivores only eat plants, and Omnivores eat both.

What consumers eat only producers?

Herbivores only eat producers (green plants). In the food chain, only plants are considered producers. Animals are classified as primary, secondary and tertiary consumers, depending on their feeding habits.

What ocean creatures are producers?

In the ocean, plants are the producers. Animals are consumers, because they eat either the plants or they eat other animals.

What animals are producers of the desert of Australia?

Only plants are producers. All animals are consumers.

How does a lion's life depend on producers?

Lions feed on animals that eat plants which are producers.

Why animals eat plants?

Plants are producers they trap sunlight and make it into sugars. Only plants can do this and therefore animals need to eat plants as food to get the energy that plants have made to live.

Why do animals eat plant?

Plants are producers they trap sunlight and make it into sugars. Only plants can do this and therefore animals need to eat plants as food to get the energy that plants have made to live.

Why are animals known as comsumers?

they consume (eat) the plants (producers) or other animals