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No, building blocks and AutoCorrect are not the same thing. Building blocks are pre-designed elements that can be used in a document template to improve consistency and efficiency. AutoCorrect, on the other hand, is a feature that automatically corrects common spelling and typing errors as you type.

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3mo ago

No, building blocks and AutoCorrect are not the same thing. Building blocks are pre-designed elements that can be used in a document template to improve consistency and efficiency. AutoCorrect, on the other hand, is a feature that automatically corrects common spelling and typing errors as you type.

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12y ago

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Q: Are Building blocks and AutoCorrect the same thing and function the same way?
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What are the building blocks of living thing called?

The "building blocks" depend on how low down you want to view. Everything is built up of atoms, which form molecules. All living things contain a form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) which is made from sugars, phosphates and nitrogen containing compounds. These form cells, which depending on their function will perform various tasks.

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What contains amino acids?

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What is basic building block of most minerals?

nothing nothing at all there is no such thing as minerals or blocks you are wrong i am wrong , potato

What is the building block of life?

everything is mae up of atome wich are made up of protons and nutrons but every living thing needs to M move R reproduce S sence G grow R respire (breath) E exrement (get rid of waste materils) N nutrition (eat ) = mrs gren a good way of remembering

What Smallest functional unit of a living thing?

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The building blocks of all living thing is?

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