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for my own idea and brain storming to other partly no bcz we are in different d.n.a and partly yes bcz its animal cell.......

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Q: Are all human cheek cells the same or different from each other?
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What is the differences of a human cheek cell and a leaf cell?

Liver Cells contain more Mitochondria than Cheek Cells because the Liver Cells need more energy, Liver Cells aid in Digestion and extract nutrients, whereas the Cheek protects against Bacteria and keeps the oral cavity moist, also cheek cells die and divide more often than Liver cells.

How many chromosomes does a cheek cell have?

46 chromosomes. The only cells in the human body that do not contain 46 chromosomes are specialist cells which have no cell nucleus (eg a human red blood cell) and reproductive cells, which only contain 23 chromosomes. Thus the cheek cell of the animal would be no different from any other cell in its number of chromosomes and would contain the full number of chromosomes for that animal.

Why are cheek cells different than the cell on your palm?

because cheek cells are part of an animal cell so it cannot be used and it is specialised whereas stem cells are part of a planet cell so it can be used a lot of times and it is not specialised

How are human red blood cells different from other human cells?

All other cells in the human body are the only type that are prokaryotic, meaning that they do not contain a nucleus, the control center of the cell.

What does a cheek cell contain?

A fact about cheek cells is that they make up you whole cheek. Another fact is that the cheek cell looks like a circle with an outer circle.

Does a cheek cell contain the same chromosomes as a liver cell?

Yes. In an individual, almost all cells contain DNA (Red Blood Cells do not). That DNA is tightly wound like you would twist a drawstring, and kept tightly coiled as chromosomes. Since chromosomes can be found in a cheek cell, a liver cell (hepatocyte), and almost all other cells, they all contain the same chromosomes, which inevitably have the same genes. What makes cheek cells different from liver cells is which genes are turned on and off. Cheek cells have different genes turned on compared to liver cells.

Explain why stem cells can duplicate whereas cheek cells can't?

Because it cheek cells don't have the right DNA/BACTERIA

What types of human cells can be utilized for electrophoresis?

Most any cell of the human blod can be sused. The most commonly used are epiphelial cells of the skin or cheek. One can also use the cells found in the blood (other than red blood cells, which have no DNA in them).

How are sex cells different from others human cells?

Sex cells, called gametes, are different to other cells in that they contain half the number of chromosomes. So in a human sex cell, there are 23 chromosomes, whereas a normal human cell has 46 chromosomes.

How many of the other person's cheek cells are ingested per minute of French kissing?

It is estimated that about 1 million of the other person's cheek cells are usually ingested per minute during the French kissing.

What is the function of the outer layer of the cheek cells?

The outer layer of the cheek cells is made up of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Its function is to protect the tissues that lie beneath it from radiation, desiccation, toxins and the invasion by pathogens.

What kingdom do cells belong to?

Cheek cells belong to the kingdom Animalia. The cheek cells are considered to be eukaryotic. Bacteria cells belong to the kingdom Eubacteria.