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Protists can be both beneficial and harmful. Some protists such as Plasmodium, malaria causing protist, can be harmful because they cause diseases. Other protists such as Trichonymphs, breaks down wood that is digested by termites, can be beneficial.

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15y ago

That is a matter of opinion to some, but helpful.

Without animals, we would not be where we are in technology today. Just one female cow will provide:



Cheese (out of milk)

Yoghurt (out of milk)

And alot more. Maybe even babies if she is given the chance.

We wouldn't have any protein, which would probably make us die or adapt. But if you look at it this way, a cow has been said to produce the amount of carbon emision a car emits in a year. However, some people have said this is not true, but more say it is.

But in general, animals are helpful.

Sorry if this didn't awswer your question, but helpful can mean many things.

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idont what is the answer i need this one please answer !!

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