

Are diarrhea and vomit infectious

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Yes, both diarrhea and vomit are two infectious bodily fluids.

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Q: Are diarrhea and vomit infectious
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Infectious diarrhea - what kind of isolation?

Diarrhea is not contagious nor infectious; infectious stuff is only an pathogen (viruses, bacteria, parasites) and it's the same with contagious. I had diarrhea once but in my school no one got infected with it too. Infection and/or contagious diarrhea is just absurd.

How do you stop vomit and diarrhea?

drink smoothies

What is a warnigs sign for a sick dog?

diarrhea and blood in vomit or stool.

How infectious are the Shigella bacteria?

Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause severe diarrhea and dehydration.

Is Diarrhea a disease?

Some forms of diarrhea are infectious in etiology and the disease is communicable. Cholera is an example of this. Others are functional (e.g. laxative abuse) and are not communicable.

What are symptoms of norovirus?

The symptoms of norovirus are mild fever, diarrhea, vomit, and headache. hope this helps 8-)

What happens when you swallow Jojoba Oil?

It depends on how much you swallow. If it is a large amount, you could get diarrhea and/or vomit.

Why shouldn't you swim if you have diarrhea?

If you have infectious diarrhea, you could shed pathogens (germs) in the water that could infect other swimmers. You should avoid swimming until your illness has passed.

How do you know when your dog has parvovirus?

Your dog would be very ill and not very livelly.They vomit and have diarrhea which contains blood.

Can vomit contain infectious pathogens?

yes. vomit is no longer in the body. stomach acid is a dilution of HCl (Hydro-Chloric Acid) this is what breaks down food. if the food is outside of the body (i.e. vomit) it can spread pathogens, such as salmanilla, Typhoid, and Hepatitus to name a few. the short answer is yes. treat vomit as a dangerous body fluid.

Can rotten milk make you ill?

Yes, but mostly just a stomach ache or diarrhea, after you vomit or after a few days, you get better.