

Are plants a part of life science?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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yes plants are part of life science, since it is breathing in air and out carbon dioxide it is

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12y ago

Plants are living thing and that is basically what most of science is.

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life science

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Q: Are plants a part of life science?
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Continue Learning about Biology

Latisha runs a plant nursery. Which field of science would best help Latisha learn how to grow plants?

life science

What are the 6 kingdoms of life science?

Animals, plants, archaebacteria, eubacteria, fungi, protists

What is biology-?

Biology is the study of science which deals with nature and living thingsCommunity Answer 1It is a branch of science that studies the nature of life from the smallest part of living this to the largest plants and animals._____________________________________Community Answer 2Biology is a branch of science that deal with the study of life

How is life science part your life?

Basically, Life Science is everywhere. Even, you breathing, which you are doing every second or two, is part of life science as it has to do with the necessity of oxygen in the body to energize cells so they can regenerate, metabolise food and eliminate toxins and waste through oxidation and even for our brain to process information. All of our organs need oxygen to function efficiently. The ability to do all the basic activities in life all depend on energy generated from oxygen. The entire thing I mentioned above, which is about breathing, is already life science. Even simple movements of flexing your biceps has to do with the muscular system, and that is life science. There are thousands of examples all around you, and even you, yourself, is life science and hence also an example that life science is part of your life. I hope this helps:)

What are some things in life science?

habitats, plants, animal ,biologist ,marine biologst ,human body ,zoologist

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Is photosynthesis an earth science or life science?

Well photosynthesis, is to do with plants and it is used to make food/glucose for the plant. This means it could probably be a life science, as plants is biology and a life science as it is a living thing. Im sorry i wasnt more specific, its the best answer i could give.

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Life Science is...The Study of life and it's surroundingsLife science is the study of living things. Cells, plants, animals, humans, and more, are all important to the study of life in life science include- marine biologist and doctorsLife Science is the Study of life and it's surroundings Life science is the study of living things. Cells, plants, animals, humans, and more, are all important to the study of life science. careers in life science include- marine biologist and doctors

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What statement defines the life cycle of plants such as palm trees?

Plants have a two-part life cycle, spending part of their life in a diploid phase and part in a haploid phase.

What branch of science is related to life science?

"Bio" means 'life'. Therefore, Biology is the study of life. If specific to animals=zoology, if specific to plants=botany, etc.

Are animals a part of science?

Yes because. Science has to do with life. life is animals, living things. So yes

Need a seminar on plants to preserve life n man to preserve plants?

It cannot be say in a word.

Which kingdom is gametophyte in science?

Gamethophyte are not kingdoms. They are a part of alteration of generation in plants

Social science from natural science?

social science is not connected with nature it is all about the things that are in or as a part of your life like :- parliament,persnol life etc.

How is social science distinguished from the natural science?

social science relates to people. natural science relates to nature like earth and air and water and plants and life.