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Hair follicle cells are standard somatic cells that are diploid; having a full complement of 46 chromosomes.

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Q: Are the cells of your hair follicles 2n or n?
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When two cells with n number of chromosomes fuse what type of cell result?

A diploid cell. In other words, a cell containing 2n chromosomes.

What is true of meiosis n to n n to 2n 2n to n or 2n to 2n?

it is 2n -n because in meiosis a diploid 2n becomes a haploid n.

Which or these is true of meiosis n n n 2n 2n n 2n 2n?

Meiosis produces haploid gametes which have the ' n ' symbol.

What is the ploidy of cells?

Human somatic cells are diploid, 2n. Human sex cells are haploid, n. Thus, the ploidy of human cells is 2, while n=23.

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Spermatogenesis is a process where germ cells are produced by mitosis and meiosis. Sprmatogonium is a precursor cells (2n) produce primary spermatocytes (2n) and sucessive secondary spermatocytes(n). This in turn converted as spermatids (n) and give rise mature sperm cells (spermatozoa).

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n * 2n = 2n2

How would you solve 3n-2n?

3n - 2n = n 3n - 2n = (3 - 2)n = 1n = n

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Germ cells are cells that become gametes (are n: have have the genetic material) and somatic cells are all the rest (2n)

Biologists use what symbol to represent one set of chromosomes?

The number of chromosomes in a cell is represented by the letter "n". A cell can be haploid (n or 1n), diploid (2n), triploid (3n), etc. A gamete is haploid and would be represented by n, or half of a diploid (2n). Some notations will say the chromosome number (in humans for example), n equals 23 or n=23. Likewise, a diploid cell would be denoted by 2n=46.

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14-2n = 12

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