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Yes ! They are primary tissues as there is no secondary growth.

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Q: Are the tissues found in the monocot stem primary?
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Are the tissue found in the monocot stem primary?

Yes ! They are primary tissues as there is no secondary growth.

Are the tissues of the stem tip primary or secondary tissues?

secondary tissue are found tip of stem and tip of root

What is the function of the epidermis in a monocot stem?

The function of the epidermis in the stem is to protect the underlying tissues.

Does primary growth of a monocot stem cause an increase in a diameter or length?

because of the gravity of the earth

What tissue occupies the center of the dicot stem?

cortex- In dicot stems, the cortex is located in the area between thevascular bundles and the epidermis. In monocot stems, it occupies the area surrounding the vascularbundles. The center of the stem is pith and may function as storage.

Why do monocot plants not show secondary growth?

In a monocot stem, vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem. However, because the of the lack of vascular cambium, no secondary growth occurs in the monocot stem. As a result of increased cell size, the monocot stem will only increase in height only.

Is a daffodil a monocot or diocot?

monocot, with only the one stem of leaves.

Are vascular budles foound only in dicot roots?

No, these are found in dicot & monocot's root, stem and leaves.

Is gumamela monocot or dicot stem?

gumamela is a dicot stem

What is a special feature for a stem cell?

Stem cells are important cells found in all multi-celled organisms, that can divide and recognise problems. In mammals, there are two types of stem cells: embryonic cells, and adult stem cells, which are found in various tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, renewing and restoring adult tissues.

Do monocot stem have a vasular cambium?

No, no they do not. As well as not having a cortex, monocot stems don't have a pith either.

What type of stem does not produce a cork cambium?

monocot stems