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Generally speaking, you won't see any particular benefits or drawbacks in your daily life. One benefit is that your blood is in HIGH demand in blood banks. As someone with type O- blood, you are a universal donor. This means that ANYONE who is in need of a blood transfusion can accept your blood. The downside to this is that it works the reverse if you are in need of a transfusion. You can only accept blood from donors who are also type O-, a small percent of the population.

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12y ago

Type A negative blood is rare, but that does not mean your child cannot take blood. He can receive blood from an A negative donor or from an O negative donor. Your doctor should be aware of his blood type and should notify the hospital of the possible need of compatible blood for your child in case he needs a transfusion.

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11y ago

Having a negative blood type is not necessarily dangerous. What could be dangerous is the factoring products in the blood. If two people with the same negative factors in their blood, decide to reproduce, this could become a problem.

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A drawback to having A negative blood type is that this particular blood type happens to be extremely rare, and hard to find or get blood transfusions for.

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Negative blood types don't have any disorders associated with them. Blood type just refers to who is a compatible receiver or donor.

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What can an individual who is blood type AB negative do?

An individual who is blood type AB negative can receive any blood type that is negative. Somebody who is O negative can donate blood to anyone.

If your parents are blood type O negative and b negative does that mean that you will have a negative blood type?

Yes, this is true. 100% of all children will have a negative blood type.

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No they cannot. They can only have a child with type A or type O blood.

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yes, absolutely

What type of blood can A blood safely receive?

Type A or Type O Negative can give to positive Positive can not give to negative

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Beyonce blood type is "O" negative also known as Rh blood negative.

How can two parents with blood type O negative have a child with blood type AB?

They cannot. Two parents with type O negative blood will produce offspring of type O negative.

Can a positive blood type accept blood from a negative blood type?

Yes. It's the negative blood types that can't accept blood from the positives.

What percentage of people have type O negative blood?

About 7% of people have the blood type O negative. Type 0 blood is the most needed blood type as it is the universal blood type. Though those with this blood type must have this blood type and no other.

Can a negative blood type accept blood from a positive type?

Yes. It's the negative blood types that can't accept blood from the positives.

What is an rh negative blood type?

A true rh negative blood type can receive blood for the universal donor known as type O. There would be no negative consequences of such sharing happening.