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Q: Are viruses classified as procaryotic or eucaryotic?
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What are the differences between the characteristics of living and non-living organisms?

You have eucaryotic procaryotic and viral cells. Procaryotic cells are primitive cells with hardly any organelles. eucaryotic cell are modern living cell that exist in our bodies that have many organelles Now, Viruses have no organelles ,they are a non living antigen which is reconized by the boby as foreign, These viruses can take over a good eucaryotic cell in the body and then take over and multiply its own DNA but without the good cell It cannot multiply.

How many types of cells?

There two types of cell procaryotic and eucaryotic.

Why are viruses not classified into any five kingdom?

Viruses are not an organism at all. They are not alive.

What way is viruses not classified?

Bacteria are not classified by the number of chromosomes, or the type of mitochondria.

What ways are viruses classified?

Certain poos

What is a organism whose cell lacks a nucleus?

a procaryotic cell i think

Do hair cells have organelles?

If they are eucaryotic, then yes they do. and I'm pretty sure hair cells are eucaryotic.

Are plants procaryotic or eukaryotic?


Name ways viruses can be classified?

It depends on what you mean. If you mean types of viruses, there are:Virii,Trojans,and worms.

Are viruses eukaryotes?

No, viruses are neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic - they are non-living and can't be classified as a biological organism.

Why are there no cells in chickenpox?

Chicken pox is classified as a virus and viruses are not living things, so they are not classified as cells.

Are lipids eucaryotic cells?

Yes, they are.