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Q: At what temperature does food burn the roof of your mouth?
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Related questions

How long does it take for a burn on the roof of your mouth the mouth to heal?

It actually takes a few days for it to heal it helps if you put cold ice on it and leave it there your mouth will probably be numb

An eskimos way of life or meaning?

as a Canadian it's mostly just chugging back mouth wash and going pow-wow until we burn the hut down "the roof. the roof. the roof is on fire?

Can snorting cocaine burn a whole on the roof of your mouth?

No... you can get a diviated syptem(sp?) where the cocaine eats away at your nasal passageway.

How do you prevent blisters on the roof of your mouth?

Avoid food or beverages that are too hot. If blisters on the roof of the mouth are appearing, a cause should be determined. Enjoin with a medical professional to get to the root of the problem.

Posterior roof of mouth?

The Palatine bone forms the posterior roof of the mouth.

Small hard lump in the roof of your mouth that just came up. What could it be?

This could be an infected piece of food that was caught there and developed swelling. It could also be a blister from a burn. More than likely it is nothing serious.

What do ytou call food stuck between a partial or full plate and the roof of the mouth?


What forms the roof of the mouth?

The Palatine bone forms the posterior roof of the mouth.

Why whenever you eat ice cream too quickly do you get a slight headache?

When eating ice cream you might get a slight headache because the extreme coldness causes the temperature on the roof of your mouth to drop. Because this is so close to the brain, which the body attempts to protect at all costs, it attempts to correct this drop in temperature by dramatically increasing blood flow to the brain, and thus heat from the core. This extra blood pressure causes a slight headache. To make this go away put your hand to your mouth and breathe rather quickly through your mouth. Another way is to place your thumb on the roof of your mouth for about 15-30 seconds, or to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. These methods bring heat to the roof of the mouth, bringing it back to normal body temperature, which in turn lowers the blood pressure in the brain back to normal levels.

What is the ridges on the roof of your mouth called?

The ridges on the roof of your mouth help our tongues manipulate food for digesting before we swallow. They are like treads so that the food doesn't just slip down our throat or all over our mouth.They are called transverse palatine folds or friction ridges

Does roof rhyme with mouth?


What has a roof and no walls?

A mouth.