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If oxygen is available, the process is an aerobic respiration, in opposite to anaerobic respiration, which does not need oxygen. More info can be found on

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Cellular respiration consists of three parts: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle (kreb's cycle), and the election transport chain. The only part that requires oxygen is the electron transport chain, because oxygen is the final electron acceptor.

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This type of fermentation is called lactic acid fermentation.

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Q: Because cellular respiration requires oxygen it is said to be?
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What are the difference cellular respiration and respiration?

Oxygen is the difference! Cellular respiration requires oxygen, while cellular fermentation does not.

Why is cellular respiration described as an aerobic activity?

Because it requires oxygen

How are cellular respiration and fermentation differ?

cellular respiration requires oxygen while fermentation does not

Which stage of cellular respiration requires oxygen?

The electron transport chain. Oxygen is the last electron acceptor.

What process in animal cells requires oxygen?

The heart and the lungs Cellular respiration

Which of the following is a product of cellular respiration and not fermentation?

Aerobic cellular respiration requires oxygen. Therefore which ever process that requires Oxygen to make it occur is NOT a stage of aerobic cellular respiration.

True OR false type of cellular respiration that requires oxygen to occur?

It is TRUE that AEROBIC respiration requires oxygen to occur. It is FALSE that ANAEROBIC respiration requires oxygen to occur. It is FALSE that cells are DEPENDENT on AEROBIC respiration.

Which gas is required for cellular respiration to occur?

Cellulr respiration requires glucose and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, water and energy

Why is cellular respiration an aerobic respiration?

Because cellular respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen.

Cellular respiration requires what?

Cellulr respiration requires glucose and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, water and energy

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are part of which cycle?

While photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It is the released oxygen that is used by us and most other organisms for cellular respiration.

Aerobic respiration is classified as?

Aerobic respiration is classified as cellular respiration. This is the type of respiration that requires oxygen so as to release energy in form of ATP.