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frequent mutations

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Q: Because of their ability to undergo viruses can rapidly evolve?
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How do viruses reproduce rapidly?

Because of their ability to undergo _____, viruses can rapidly evolve.

Why do viruses evolve so rapidly?

because they learn like what your bodies weakness and be it.

A key characteristic of pandemic influenzas is that they?

They are rapidly spreading, easily transmitted from human to human, have the ability to mutate rapidly, and they usually spread in several waves before they die out.

Why vaccine is not developed for viral fever?

because viruses responsible for viral fever are many and mutate very rapidly.

What do some viruses lack?

Some viruses lack the ability to replicate. These types of viruses often don't show symptoms in healthy people because they are not strong enough to cause illness.

Virusers are not considered alives because they lack what?

Viruses are not considered alive because they lack the ability to reproduce unless they have a host to reproduce for them. When viruses are not attache to a living cell they lose all living characteristics.

Is it possible to evolve rapidly?

Very possible. Microorganisms and viruses do it seasonally.

What viruses has the ability to cause a pandemic?


Why is A difficult to classify virus as a livingthings?

It is difficult because viruses lack the ability to replicate themselves and theey lacks energy metabolism and other pathways that living things have. Viruses are totally depending on their host. If they want to replicate, they have to infect the host.

Why it is difficult to treat diseases caused by viruses?

This is because viruses multiply rapidly . Faster than any other micro-organism . Also, viruses need a host to live .They are non living when not on a host . To estimate their characteristics is hard because they are living and non living .

Why do plant viruses have a difficult time entering the cells they infected?

Plant viruses have a difficult time entering the cells they infect partly because plant cells are surrounded by tough cell walls that viruses alone cannot break through; however, once inside a plant they can multiply and spread rapidly.

Why do we study viruses?

Viruses have the ability to greatly affect life on earth. Many viruses, such as HIV and influenza have killed millions of people. By studying viruses, scientists are able to develop vaccines that will protect people (and animals) from viruses.