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Q: Between but not within the parts of a tissue?
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What means between but not within the parts of the tissue?


What is the difference between epithelial tissue and epidermal tissue?

Epithelial tissue is an (animal) tissue which protect the structures beneath them whilst Epidermal is a (plant) tissue that protect the plant against injury at the same time prevent it from drying-out of its inner parts.

What continent is the caucasus mountains located in?

Asia in the region between or within Russia and Armenia with certain parts of Georgia

Tissue that provides support and connects body parts?

The group of tissue with the two types, soft and hard tissue, is connective tissue. Loose connective tissue and fibrous connective tissue hold your body parts together.

What is the tissue in ligament?

parts of collagen and elastins and fibrous tissue

What is the difference between inflammation and regeneration of tissue?

Inflammation produces swelling, pain, redness, warmth which can occur in any part of the body. It is the result of bacteria within the tissue. Regeneration is repair after stabilizing the damaged and inflamed tissue.

Tissue that provides support and connects all of our body parts?

connective tissue.That tissue is called as connective tissue.

What are the parts of the banana?

peel innner part string running between these two parts are called phloem bundles

Which tissue covrs and lines many parts of the body?

epithelial tissue

What is the definition for connective tissue?

The connective tissue refers to the body parts that hold together and support the other parts of the body.

What are the smaller parts that make up muscule tissue?

Cells and fibers are the smaller parts that make up muscle tissue.

The tissue that carries food to all parts of the plant is?

it's called the phloem. the tissue type is meristematic tissue.