

Blood group in cattle

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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There are 11 major blood group systems in cattle, A, B, C, F, J, L, M, R, S, T and Z. The B group has over 60 different antigens, making it difficult to closely match donor and recipient. The J antigen is a lipid that is found in body fluids and is adsorbed onto erythrocytes (therefore, it is not a "true" antigen). Newborn calves lack this antigen, acquiring it in the first 6 months of life. Some animals have only a small amount of J antigen on erythrocytes and none in serum; these so-called "J-negative" animals can develop antibodies against the J-antigen and develop transfusion reactions if transfused with J-positive blood. Neonatal isoerythrolysis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon in cattle. Bouts of NI have occurred secondary to blood-derived vaccines (e.g. against anaplasmosis, babesiosis). The most common antigens that cattle were sensitized to were the A and F systems.

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9y ago

There are many different blood groups for farm animals. Some of these include A, C, D, K, P, Q, M, S, and Z.

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What is the difference between ABO blood group and MN blood group?

MN blood group codes for antigens M and N on red blood cells . and ABO blood group does the same by coding A B AND i antigen on red blood cells. but as MN blood group do not illustrate strong immunity so they are ignored in regular blood transfusions . while ABO blood groups are taken in consideration as the give strong immunological reactions

For a child to have A blood type do both parents have to be A?

no, if both parents are A still there is a chance of O baby ,but for the child to have A blood type atleast one of the parents must have A or AB blood group Parents having the following blod groups may have an A baby AA and AA baby will have A blood group only AA and AO baby with A group only AO and AO baby may have A or O blood group AB and OO baby with A or B blood group AA and OO baby with A blood group only AAand AB baby with A or AB blood group AO and BO baby of A AB B or O blood group AO and AB baby of A AB or B blood group AB and AB baby having A B or AB blood group (each individual has one,two or no antigens .when no antigen it results in O blood group ,when one or two A antigens ,the person has A blood group so its not necessary that both parents of A blood group child have A blood type

What is the difference between the Bombay blood group and the o negative group?

The Oh negative blood group is the same as the Bombay blood group. The Oh negative group should not be confused with the type O blood group. The Bombay blood group is very rare and results from two recessive H alleles (hh). This means that they cannot produce the "H" antigen, and as a result, they can't produce "A" or "B" antigen on their red blood cells. They can give blood to individuals of any other blood type but can only receive blood from other Bombay blood type individuals.

Does same blood group of husband and wife affects in future?

It is actually better if you have the same blood group.