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An increase in bone growth is promoted by different hormones. In most cases this is as a result of estrogen in women and testosterone in the men.

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Parathyroid hormone

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Q: Bone mass reduction is promoted by which hormone?
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What is the medical term meaning abnormal reduction of bone mass?

Osteopenia is an abnormal reduction in bone mass.

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Which hormone is important for bone growth during infancy and childhood?

Growth hormone is the hormone that stimulates bone and muscle growth. It is made in the pituitary gland. It is also known as somatotropin. Growth hormone is responsible for the increase in height in children and adolescents. It also increases bone density and muscle mass, and stimulates organ growth.

Why does osteoporosis affect women more than men?

Hi, Firstly osteoporosis is a condition where the rate of bone loss is greater than the rate of bone production. There are many factors which contribute to the condition including, race, diet, lifestyle, hereditary factors and gender. As women reach the menopause their levels of oestrogen (female sex hormone) decrease. This substance is important in the production of bone and a reduction leads to a lower bone mass density (BMD). Lower oestrogen leads to an increase in bone reabsorption and a decrease in bone production [1]. In men, however, decreased levels of testosterone (male sex hormone) have a less dramatic effect on bone loss.

What does the word densitty mean in science term?

den·si·tyˈdensədē/nounthe degree of compactness of a substance. "a reduction in bone density"synonyms:solidity, solidness, denseness, thickness, substance, mass;

What does the skeletal system deal with homeostasis?

Homeostasis is maintained by the hormones that increase osteoblast activity to build bone, called calcitonin which is released by the thyroid gland, and the release of parathyroid hormone which increases osteoclast activity and is released by the parathyroid glands. As long as both of these function normally, the bone mass stays the same, this is a homeostatic state of bone. If it goes out of balance you will either build too much bone, or loose bone mass and develop osteoporosis.

What is peak bone mass?

Peak bone mass occurs at ~30 years of age. Afterwards, bone loss starts to outpace bone deposition.

Natural human growth hormone?

Human growth hormone (hGH) is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. Effects of growth hormones are decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, increased bone density, increased energy levels, improved skin tone and texture, increased sexual function, and improved immune system function.

What is a healthy bone mass percentage?

What is the average bone mass percentage to body weight normal ranges

What is is responsible for the development of male characteristics including muscle mass and stregth fat distribution bone mass and the sex drive?

The hormone testosterone is responsible for male secondary characteristics. Male primary characteristics were triggered before birth by several genes on the Y chromosome.

How much should bone mass weigh?

Bone mass should typically make up 20% of your total body weight.

How does increased osteoblast activity affect bone tissue?

increased bone mass