

Bones attached to bones by what?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Bones attached to bones by what?
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How are your bones at joints attached?

Your bones are attached by musceles which are attached to nerves

Do bones have muscles?

There are muscles attached to bones, but bones do not have muscles.

Why do you think muscles attached to the bones?

because the muscles are attached the bones

What muscle type is attached to bones?

Sketetal muscles are attached to bones by tendons.

Is there any bones in muscles?

No because muscles move bones and are attached to bones.

How are the muscles attached to bones?

Muscles are attached by tendons and ligaments to bones.

What are adjacent bones?

adjacent bones are the bones which are attached just opposite of one bone.

Muscle tissue that is attached to and moves the skeleton?

Muscles are attached to bone by tendons. Bones are attached to bones by ligaments.

All bones that are not attached to any other bones?


How are bones attached to other bones?

Bones are attached to each other by ligaments, strong bands of tissue that may be flexible in some motions.(The similar tissues, tendons, connect the muscles to other muscles and to bones.)

What tissue attaches bones and muscles to the bone?

Connective tissue is one which is rich in intercellular substance or interlacing processes with little tendency for the cells to come together in sheets or masses. Tendon and ligament are the connective tissue that connect bone to bone and muscles to bones.

What bones make up your heart?

The heart is a muscle, it contains no bones. It is not attached to any bones. It is surrounded by the bones of the rib cage.