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cartilaginous joints or synchondrosis joints

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cartilagenous joint

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Q: Bones held together by cartilage are known as?
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How are bone held together?

YOur bones are held together by cartilage and tendins and muscles.

What made bones held together?

Bones are held together by ligaments.

What body parts are held together by ligaments?

Bones are held together by ligaments.

Where are bones held together?

Bones are held together at the Joints, by a strong band called ligaments.

What bones are held together by immovable bones?

The cranial bones e.g. parietal, frontal, temporal and occipital. They are fused together by sutures which do not allow movement and are known as fixed or immovable joints

How are bones held together at the joints?

The bones are held together by strong, stretchy bands called ligaments.

What tissue connects bones together?

Different types of joints are held together by different tissues types:Sutures and gomphoses are held together by dense fibrous connective tissue. Synchondroses are held together by hyaline cartilage.Symphyses are held together by fibrocartilage.Diarthroses or synovial joints, the most common type of joints, are held together by ligaments and joint capsules, which are made of dense fibrous connective tissue.

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Are syndesmosis bones held together by interosseous ligaments?

Bones are held by together?


What holds the bones togther?

Bones are held together by the ligaments.

What holds your bones together?

Bones are held together by a strong tissue called Ligaments.

What are bones held together with?

They are held together by ligaments.