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Yes it can Ihad a pituitary tumor removed and after wards the Dr left packing Material which caused a sinus disease I begain the have the head acks like I did when the tumor was there and dizziness blured vision mode changes. I would say yesbecause I do not have any more problems withthe Pituitary gland but the infection makes it ack like the pituitary gland is malfunction again i went back to my Dr because the systoms were so much alike it scaredme to death. Diana

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Q: Can an infection in the sphenoid sinuses effect pituitary gland function?
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Four bones containing paranasal sinuses?

The maxillary sinuses are in the maxillary bones under the eyes. The frontal sinuses are in the frontal bone of your forehead. The ethmoid sinuses are in the ethmoid bone between the nose and the eyes. And the sphenoid sinuses are are in the sphenoid bone at the center of the skull base, below the pituitary gland.

What is transphenoidal hypophysectomy?

Surgically removing the pituitary gland through the nasal cavity, going through the sphenoid bone/sinuses of the skull.

What are 4 bones containing paranasal sinuses?

The maxillae contain the maxillary sinuses, the ethmoid and sphenoid contain the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, respectively. ****Maxilla is a facial bone, the three cranial bones that contain sinuses are ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal.

What are sphenoid sinusitis?

The sinuses are paired air pockets located within the bones of the face. They are: the sphenoid sinuses; Located just behind the ethmoid sinuses, and behind the eyes.

What are the four pairs of paranasal sinuses?

Paranasal sinuses are a group of four air-filled spaces. Maxillary sinuses surround the nasal cavity, frontal sinuses are above the eyes, ethmoid sinuses are between the eyes and sphenoid sinuses are behind the eyes.

Which bone serves as an enclosure for the pituitary gland?

Sphenoid Bone. Along the midline within the cranial cavity, a portion of the sphenoid bone indents to form the "saddle-shaped" Sella Turcica. The pituitary gland occupies this depression. The Sphenoid bone also contains two sphenoidal sinuses.

Does zygomatic contain sinuses?

No it doesn't. The paranasal sinuses are the: Maxillary Sphenoid Ethmoid and Frontal

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone?

Posterior means behind or toward the back -- so which bone is behind the ethmoid bone? The sphenoid bone (butterfly shaped one).The bone that is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone in the orbit is the sphenoid. Major paranasal sinuses are the ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, and maxillary sinuses.

Can a problem with your pituatary gland cause headaches?

Yes, this can be the case. If your pituitary gland does not function properly, it can leak. This leakage drains into the sinuses and causes a headache which usually feels as if your head will explode. This can be alleviated with treatment which can make the pituitary gland start to function again.

What bones are paranasal sinuses?

The bones that contain the paranasal sinuses are the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones. They are easy to remember in relation to the sinuses because each sinus has the same name as the bone it is in.

Where are the ethmoid sinuses?

The sinuses are paired air pockets located within the bones of the face. They are: the ethmoid sinuses; located between the eyes, just behind the bridge of the nose.

Are Sinuses found in the temporal bone?

The paranasal sinuses (which surround the nose) are found in the following bones: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary. The maxillary sinuses are the largest of all sinuses. There are also sinuses found near the mastoid process of the temporal bone called the mastoid sinuses. The mastoid sinuses communicates with the inner ear, whereas the paranasal sinuses communicate with the nasal cavity.