

Can castration affect male hormones

Updated: 8/9/2023
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10y ago

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The testes produce the male hormone testosterone and therefore the body no longer produces this whether done by surgery or chemically

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Q: Can castration affect male hormones
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What is another term for male castration?

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What is the name of the operation for male castration?

Orchiectomy in humans

What is the difference between castration and sterilization?

Castration is the removal of the testicles from a male animal or person, which is a form of sterilization because sperm can no longer be produced. Sterilization of a male can be accomplished without castration, for example by vasectomy, which is cutting and cauterizing the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles.

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It is a dog that has been desexed, through Castration. Either castration for a male dog or spaying for a female dog. The dog is then mixed gender, neither male nor female.

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To castrate means to remove the male sexual reproductive organs. Castration is carried out to prevent the male species from impregnating a fertile female.

How do you castrate a man?

Castration of a male is done by surgically removing the testicles and then suturing the incision closed. There is also a chemical method of castration that makes the testicles ineffective.

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yes 43 grams of male hormones

Male cat make babies after castration?

Male cats can potentially still father kittens for a few weeks after they are castrated.

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Ideal to allow 28 days to be certain.

Why are male nipples erotically sensitive?

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