

Can coughing rupture your appendix

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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That is very unlikely to get your appendix ruptured due to coughing.

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Q: Can coughing rupture your appendix
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If you don't get treatment for appendicitis, your appendix may rupture.

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One Word answer: Yes

Why did apendisides come?

Appendictis occurs when there is a blockage of the appendix lumen. When this blockage occurs, the appendix becomes inflamed, and can become infected. If this continues to the point of rupture, and the appendix bursts, peritonitis can occur.

What is an appendictis?

Appendicitis is when the appendix becomes inflamed. If not removed, it can rupture and cause peritonitis, which can be fatal.

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No he is still alive. His appendix rupture did not kill him.

Can your appendix rupture if you are hit in the stomach?

Not necessarily. An appendix ruptures from built of bacteria or a hard stool. Not physical force. Although if your appendix is inflamed (beginning of appendicitis), it may have a higher chance of rupturing.

Can you rupture your appendix during intercourse?

No, unless you get hit very hard in the spot where it is. Your appendix is on the right side of your lower stomach, I believe. And the reproductive system is way behind the appendix. There is no possible way to reach the appendix during intercourse.

Could you rupture or tear your appendix from a fall?

Yes. This is quite unusual, but has been known to have happened.

Can a stomach ulcer be fatal?

Yes, it can rupture and cause sepsis much like a ruptured appendix can.

What can happen if you don't get an appendectomy?

If you need an appendectomy but keep postponing having your appendix removed, your appendix could rupture, and if you don't find a surgeon and a doctor in a hurry, a ruptured appendix, which causes peritonitis, could be fatal.

Can being assaulted bring on apendicitis?

Yes, if you are hit in your stomach or side of your stomach hard enough it can rupture your appendix's.

What is the significance of studying appendicitis?

A delay can result in perforation, or rupture, of the appendix. When this happens, the infected contents of the appendix spill into the abdomen, potentially causing a serious infection of the abdomen called peritonitis.