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Actually they can - this has to do with the placement of the larynx - but around nine months, when nursing subsides (and eating more solid food occurs) the larynx moves lower down in the throat, occluding the previous passage of air and fluid at the same time, but allowing increased vocal ability. This gives infants the ability to breathe and nurse at the same time. (Page 80 of the November 2010 Discover magazine has a short discussion of this.)

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Q: Can infants breath and swallow at the same time?
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Can some adults still breath and swallow at the same time?

No, because humans can't do two things at once.

Why it's impossible to breath and swallow at the same time?

Cause its impossible to birth with liquid going down your though

Is it possible to breath and swallow at the same time?

Yes. If you would like the food to go down your air tube...get stuck...can't breathe and choke...then yes, yes it is.

How do we breath while eating?

The only time when your airway is blocked is when you swallow your food so you can breathe while eating.

How do babies drink and breath at the same time?

Infants are able to drink and breathe at the same time due to the fact that their hyoid bone sits slightly higher than adults. This acts like a snorkel to the larynx. In adults, the hyoid drops so we must close our airways with the epiglottis while we are drinking.

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Can you hold your breath and pick your nosie at the same time?

no because if your really holding your breath you should be holding your nosie

Does snuff make you out of breath easy?

Yes it does, Because the fine grinds of tobacco in snuff makes you spit more and you are trying not to swallow at the same time you spit, and that makes you take less breathes. Yes it does, but nothing in it itself does. Just having something in your mouth makes it more difficult to breath, especially if you are doing something intensive.

Can you drink and speak at the same time?

no No you can't, because when you drink, meaning to swallow, you automatically lock your airway (trachea). Now in order to form words and speak you have to blow out the air which makes the vocal cords swing and makes the sound come out. this can't happen as long as your airway is locked, just as you can't breath and drink at the same time.

What happens when person talk and swallow at the same time?

You could possibly have a choke-coughing fit

How can you breath through your nose and mouth at the same time?

yes, but it is very hard