

Best Answer

Yes, Kalms can cause vertigo attacks, dizzeness and nausea, though these side effects are quite rare.

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Q: Can kalms tablets cause nausea and dizziness?
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It would without doubt 'wipe' you clean off you're tree. Best to stay away from that volume of tablets man.

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What happens if you take an over dose of kalms?

Dizzyness upset stomach more anxiety

Can you take kalms with Sertraline?

i have been on citalopram for eight years and have just started trying kalms sleep,i feel so much better and wish i had tried it sooner,i have no side effects but have been feeling better during the day,much calmer and able to cope

Can you take Kalms sleep with citalopram?

i have been on citalopram for eight years and have just started trying kalms sleep,i feel so much better and wish i had tried it sooner,i have no side effects but have been feeling better during the day,much calmer and able to cope

Is it ok to give your dog kalms tablets?

I have recently got a dog from the rescue and it barks for no reason barking at other dogs while walking her barking when shes been on a walk Ive tried everything thunder-shirts ,clickers,beans in a bottle ,water sprays ,Adaptol collar Dog trainers and homoeopathy remedies you name it Ive tried it and over the last two or three days Ive given her 1 Kalm a day tablet and shes a lot more relaxed in her new environment carnt see them doing her any harm because there natural herble remedy shes a medium size terrier she now has a more relaxed approach and less stressed you can give children kalms and you can take them youself if they dont work on the dog lol

Can you take Valium with cipramil?

Not without medical advice. I know citalopram users from who have found that taking Kalms (which contain valerian) at HALF the stated dose, helps to treat anxiety. I tried it myself and suffered disorientation and derealisation for about an hour. While reading up on valerian online I found that citalopram reacts with valerian and taking the two together may caused increased feelings of depression.

Can paracetamol kill you?

Definately, probably one of the worst ways to die. Paracetamol metabolites are mopped up by glutathione, which is made in the liver. This means that as long as glutathione is present, you will be okay. However, the moment your body runs out of glutathione...BAM!! SEVERE PAIN and SUPER DEATH