

Can tonsils disappear

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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They can fall out. One of my husband's did after a bad infection and he swallowed it. - true story. lol

Yes, this is weird, but true! My father was running on the playground as a kid and he sort of coughed with his head turned and they flew out. He never could find them on the ground or anything, but when he was examined by a doctor, they weren't there! And my aunt, his sister, coughed hers up into her hand as a child. Their aunt did the same thing, I think she was an adult, though. It must run in my family, but I'm glad I didn't inherit that particular trait!

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14y ago
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13y ago


YES! As crazy as it may sound, this happened to my father and his sister. I don't know as many details about her, but I know my father had a lot of issues with his tonsils, like tonsillitis, when he was a kid. He said one day he was running on the playground and he was, of course, breathing hard and he felt them sort of come out of his throat and he coughed and they came out...He went back to see if he could find them, and he couldn't. But when he went to the doctor the next time, they were gone, and he had never had them surgically removed. I believe my aunt coughed them into her hand as a teen. I don't care how crazy it sounds, his doctor thought he was nuts, too, but it happened. He doesn't have tonsils anymore!

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11y ago

no they dont you can get them removed. but thats only if you constantly keep getting sick and ichy throat. but no they do not dissapear they actually get bigger as you grow to fit your throat..(but not too big or else you wouldnt be able to breath!)

hope this helps i try my hardest to answer questions here as a 12 year old!!

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14y ago

Yes they can. As children age, the tonsils do grow smaller and can eventually disappear.

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No, it is plural, you have two tonsils in your throat.

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The correct spelling is "tonsils."

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